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General Physics

  • Thermodynamics

    Most of these are generated from Interactive PhysicsTM software
    1. One atom Gas
    2. Three atom gas
    3. Expanding gas
    4. Compressing gas
    5. Entropy Increase
    6. Time reversed entropy
    7. Heavy-light gas mixture
    8. Gas to Solid
    9. Gravitational Distribution
    10. Convection Cells
    11. Brownian Motion Observation
    12. Brownian Motion Explanation


    1. Conservation of Energy
    2. Pole vaulter Coonservation of energy

    Chaotic Systems

    1. Double pendulum: non-chaotic
    2. Double pendulum: quasi-preiodic
    3. Double pendulum: chaotic
  • Relativity

    Most of these are generated from Interactive PhysicsTM software.

    The first three show the same process (a bandit running along the top of a train) from 3 points of view (frames of reference)

    1. Bandit in train frame
    2. Bandit in Earth Frame
    3. Bandit in Bandit frame
    These next two show a dropped ball in the train and earth frames
    1. Ball in train frame
    2. Ball in Earth Frame
    These next two show a collision from an inertial frame and a non-inertial frame
    1. Inertial frame
    2. Non-inertial frame
    Breakdown of simultaneity
    1. Simultaneous events in train frame
    2. But in the earth frame ....
    These show Einstein's elevator equivalence principle. The first 3 are generated using Interactive Physics: a ball is projected through the window of an elevator.
    1. Stationary elevator, gravitational field
    2. Accelerating elevator, no gravitational field in Earth frame
    3. Accelerating elevator, no gravitational field in elevator frame
  • Time

    A beautiful reconstruction of the Antikythera mechanism by Michael Wright & Mogi Vicenti
    1. Antikythera Mechanism Reconstruction
    And a marvellous Lego model of it
    1. Lego Antikythera Mechanism
    And some other time related ideas
      Lego Clock Escapement