bug fixes for FTPC package ========================== many changes between version 2.0 and 2.2 to run with Saclay data. date routine module ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14/06/04 TrackFitZ TPCtrack old: dZ = deltaT2Z(deltaT)*deltaY new: dZ = Z + deltaT2Z(deltaT)*deltaY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14/07/04 ReadHeader TPCio old: nTbGroup was not filled unless filled for every event (LCIO) new: nTbGroup = nTbin ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14/07/04 TimeLine TPCtrack old: IF( Trow <= 0.0 ) CYCLE new: IF( AmpRow < minSignal ) CYCLE T0 is always >=1.0, 1.0 means row is empty ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14/07/04 HF_pulse, PAWend TPCpaw different histogramm numbers for HF_pulse, allows up to 1000 histograms ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14/07/04 Threshold, TPCio, TPCtrack read fit-type from TPCinput.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16/09/04 TYPE definitions Space version TPCio 2.3 TPCanalyzer TPCanalyzer changes to make the code compatible with F version 3.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25/01/05 AERR TPCtrack version ! take the first value as constant term 2.4 ERROR = POLY(A,AERRpar(2:size(AERRpar)) ERROR = SQRT( ERROR**2 + AERRpar(1)**2 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25/01/05 various track fits TPCtrack version for failed fits invRad was set to 1000.0, i.e. fitTrack /= seedTrack 2.4 now the input is kept, i.e fitTrack == seedTrack ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25/01/05 LineXYTrackD Space version numerical stable version 2.4